Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Wading Backwards Through The Muck of The Holiday Season

Lets start with Christmas. And I promise this will be quick and painless (unlike Christmas itself), as my Christmas can be summed up in one semi-artistic photo I took whilst decorating the tree.


Moving on to the less distant past-

Last night my phone started unexpectedly screaming its head off at 10:00. I had no idea what was going on, I knew it was a calendar note and I knew that I must have put it there, but for the few seconds it took me to get out of my chair and get to my phone, I was genuinely surprised. Until I saw what it was. Then I remembered… In November looking at that note and finding it utterly depressing and yet still ripe with hope. And I remembered making that note (what is now three years ago) and having disappointedly moved to the same date next year twice over. It said this:


  • Things that I missed out on this time of year: new years eve kiss.

And so here was I clutching my screaming rattling phone in this totally dark room, frowning at my stupidity. Did I really think that two hours was enough to make myself look half reasonable, find a good party, hitch a ride there, scope out someone decent looking, and convince them to kiss me at the turn of the year? Really? Two hours? When in all my time on this planet it has never happened… I must have been in some strange and simultaneously optimistic and depressed mood when I made that note.

I ended up watching the Chasers War On Rage and reveling in Chris Taylor’s good taste in music. I had never heard any of the stuff that he played (and the other Chaser boys briefly made fun of the fact that he had a list of songs that he would like to play on Rage before he was even asked) but I could just sit there and go- Mmmm, I like this, this is my music. And yet it was none of it, and certainly not from my generation. But then I faithfully tottled off to bed. Well before 4:30 in the morning when it finished. I have always wanted to listen to and watch more Rage, but there is a difference between simply being awake and in bed at 2:00 in the morning, and sitting in the lounge with all the lights on watching the loud television. At least ABC doesn’t have ads during the programs. I can’t believe SBS has ads now… sometimes I think I would be better off without television, I mean, it has given me some good creative ideas once in a while, a good movie, an interesting documentary, some new music videos… but maybe I would be more creative on the whole if I didn’t have a television at all. I think, maybe, after a while, I could get used to it… though I might end up doing something even less productive to replace it.

Eh. But I shouldn’t feel like I should be constantly doing anything. Maybe I need TV for that. But I will do something with this year. That is the point of this year, and my new year’s resolution:

To do something.


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